Tuesday, 20 June 2023
Cervical Screening Awareness Week
Cervical screening saves lives.
Don't ignore your cervical screening invite and if you missed your last one, book an appointment with your GP practice.
Here are some tips to help you make your cervical screening more comfortable:
- Wear a Skirt or long jumper which you can keep on during the test (if you forget, don't worry, you'll be given something to cover yourself with)
- You can ask for a smaller Speculum - Speculums come in different sizes so speak to your nurse to discuss your needs
- You may also be able to take someone to the appointment. Please check with your GP practice when booking your appointment
- Ask to lie in a different position if lying on your back makes you feel uncomfortable - You can ask to lie on your side with your knee's bent. Or speak to your nurse or doctor to see what they suggest
- Do talk to your nurse or doctor during the test and remember you are in control.
- If you do feel embarrassed, you’re not alone!
If you missed your last Cervical Screening, book an appointment with your GP practice now. Cervical Screening can help stop cancer before its starts
For more information and support:
NHS - What is Cervical Screening?